Monday, September 14, 2015

Home remedies for Alcoholism

 Alcohol addict

What is Alcoholism?

Alcoholism, also known as alcohol use disorder (AUD) and alcohol dependence syndrome, is a broad term for any drinking of alcohol that results in problems

Moreover, alcoholism is the physical and mental addiction to alcohol. Prolonged use of alcohol will affect both physical and mental conditions, and there are also various social implications from associated behaviors. Physically it affects the digestive system, pancreas, nerves, and heart.

Some Common Causes of Alcoholism

• Depression
• Schizophrenia
• Genetics
• Inheritance
• Established behavior patterns
• Environment
• Damaged relationships

Home Remedies for Alcoholism

Tip 1:

First and foremost the person should be willing to give up alcohol. Sadly, but very true that the only way to do it is, to make a clean break.

Tip 2:

Apples- eating as many Apples as possible at regular intervals, reduces the craving for alcohol. They also help to clear the toxins from the system.

Tip 3:

Grapes-This fruit contains a pure form of alcohol. A person wanting to give up this habit should have a meal of grapes every 4-5 hours, for a month at least.

Tip 4:

The juice of Bitter gourd leaves is very good for clearing intoxication. 3 tee spoons of juice mixed in a glass of buttermilk is very good as it helps to heal the damaged liver also.

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Source:,  Healthy living  US 

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